Kazakhstan is located in the center of Eurasia and ranks ninth in the world in terms of area. Kazakhstan is a unitary and secular state, officially calling itself a democratic state. Kazakhstan gained independence on December 16, 1991. The capital is the city of Astana (renamed in honor of the dictator to Nur-Sultan). The state language is Kazakh, Russian has the status of a language of interethnic communication. The monetary unit is tenge. Kazakhstan borders in the north and west with Russia, in the east with China, in the south with Kyrgyzstan, with Uzbekistan and with Turkmenistan.
Kazakhstan gained independence on December 16, 1991, this was preceded by over 300 uprisings of the Kazakhs within the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, the genocide of the Kazakh people in the period 1929-32. the murder of the first government of the Kazakh SSR Alash Orda and the entire Kazakh intelligentsia, massive repressions and exile of 100 thousand citizens of the country to concentration camps and the execution of 25 thousand people, the opening of the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, which affected over 1.3 million citizens of the country. On December 16, 1986, the Kazakh youth went to a peaceful rally, but the Soviet government used force against the protesters and, according to unofficial data, 174 people were killed and 1,700 people were seriously injured.
From the moment Kazakhstan gained independence for 30 years, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Nursultan Nazarbayev, ruled the country. Nursultan Nazarbayev built an authoritarian regime by concentrating all power in sole hands, plundering and selling off the land and mineral resources of Kazakhstan. There is total corruption, poverty and lawlessness in the country. According to The Economist, which analyzed the level of democracy in the countries of the world (Democracy Index), Kazakhstan ranked 139th out of 167 countries.
Kazakhstan is a raw material country. The country’s mineral resource base consists of more than 5 thousand deposits, the forecasted cost of which is estimated at tens of trillion. US dollars. The republic ranks first in the world in terms of proven reserves of zinc, tungsten and barite, second – silver, lead and chromite, third – copper and fluorite, fourth – molybdenum, sixth – gold.
Kazakhstan also has significant oil and gas reserves, which are concentrated in the western regions. Today the country belongs to the category of the leading oil-producing countries of the world – more than 80 million tons of oil and gas condensate per year. It is planned to increase the annual production to 120 million tons by 2020. Now Kazakhstan ranks 9th in the world in terms of proven oil reserves. In addition, the republic ranks 8th in the world table of ranks in terms of coal reserves and 2nd in terms of uranium reserves.
But, unfortunately, the proceeds from the sale of mineral resources are not distributed among citizens, but fully belong to Nazarbayev, his family and the political elite of Kazakhstan in general.
In 1994, Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed a project for a Eurasian Union of States. The goal of which is the personal political interests of the dictator Nazarbayev, and this project is also interesting for dictator Putin to re-create the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union. October 10, 2000 in Astana, the heads of state (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan) signed the Treaty establishing economic community. In July 2010, the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia began to operate, and from January 1, 2012 – the Common Economic Space. On January 1, 2015, the agreement on the establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union entered into force. This association is based on the principles of freedom of movement of goods, services, financial and human capital across the borders of three countries.